Home at Last!
A dream you helped fulfill for an abandoned woman in Uganda
Dear Family,
Could Christine’s life have gone any worse? First she was raped. Then, the wife and mother of 5 learned she was pregnant as a result.
Afraid to confide in her husband, she carried the secret of her growing child to term with much pain and dread. And after giving birth she learned her assailant had given her one more reminder of his act: HIV. Her enraged spouse rejected her. She was now alone with a new baby and her 5 other children. Christine was broken in spirit, soul and body when she was discovered by Women of Hope, our partner in Uganda.
To find a place of safety among other women who suffered the same was a healing balm to her raw pain. You made that place of refuge possible with your love and compassion!
And because of your love, Christine now has a brand new home as well! Her dream of having her own home in which to live in safety had come to an abrupt halt when her funds ran out. Forlorn brick walls stood as a silent reminder of a hope that hadn’t been fulfilled.
But earlier this year, you gave all that was needed to complete it! Instead of almost all of her meager earnings going toward exorbitant rent, Christine now has the freedom to use that money toward other basic needs. What a difference you have made in her life—and she knows it is all because of Jesus!
Thank you for your love for Christine and the many precious women served by the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry who have suffered so much pain through no fault of their own.
May you be blessed in every way!
Patty Forney
Director, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry