“You must be an angel!” Yang Mei told the courier. He had just handed her a brand new Chinese Bible, something she would never have dared to purchase, as she knew too many believers who had been imprisoned after purchasing government-printed Bibles. She had resigned herself to the fact that she would never own a copy of God’s Word. “Glory to God for the big and great present you have given me!” Yang Mei exclaimed, bubbling with joy. It was a dream come true.
That same courier continued his mission, taking Bibles to other Chinese believers as well, a ministry made possible by gifts to Heaven’s Family’s Bibles for Believers Fund.
When Kuan Yuh thankfully received his new Bible, he told the courier that he had been saving for five years in hopes of owning his own copy. Kuan offered him what he had saved—the equivalent of $15.60. The courier graciously refused, and listened as Kuan told him about other Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ who were also longing for Bibles, and who were suffering persecution for their faith.
“Oh Lord, thank You and may my joy reach Your throne!” Chang Sang Sio cried out when she received her own copy of the Book for which she had prayed. It was the first time she had ever seen an actual Bible! The only scriptures she knew were those that members of her house church recited from memory during their secret meetings. She would write them down so she could read them at home.
“This precious Book will give hope to the people who have none.” Yang Chuang Hung had prayed for two years for a Bible so that she could use it to bring her family and friends to the Lord. “I have prayed ten years for a Bible,” said smiling Swei Arr, “ever since I first believed in Jesus.” Now 75 years old, she told the courier that if she died that day she would be a happy woman, now that God had answered the longing of her heart! (See her photo at top)
Last year, Heaven’s Family’s Bibles For Believers Fund helped make possible the distribution of 20,000 Bibles to Christians in China. This year, because the underground church in China is growing by thousands every day, our partner has set the delivery of 50,000 Bibles as his goal. At the time this article was written, he had thousands of Bibles waiting in a truck as prayers were rising to heaven for money to buy fuel to transport them towards China’s border. May God help us to provide thousands of additional Bibles for Chinese believers who are praying with us!