Dear Friends, I had an incredible “God moment” during my visit to Kalaymyo, Myanmar, last November, and I want to tell you about it! During a bit of free time I went to a local bazaar filled with dozens of small shops crammed together and connected by little narrow walkways. Two of my Kalaymyo friends, Nu Bawi and Nan, were with me when we spotted a man sitting on the ground begging. I immediately noticed his bandaged hand and feet—telltale signs of a person with leprosy. He introduced himself as Han Kham Pau, and we talked with him for a while, getting the quick version of his life’s story. My heart went out to him. Before we left, we put a little money in his bowl. Later, I felt the Lord tell me to do more for Han. I left some money with Nu Bawi and Nan from our Lepers Fund, asking them to use it to meet any pressing needs that he had. The following weekend, after meeting with Han to find out what he needed, my two friends delivered a wonderful blessing of rice, blankets, and medicine to his doorstep. They also had the opportunity to meet his family and talk to them about the Lord! God really does work in amazing ways, and I’m glad He worked a blessing for Han and his family through me and my friends that day!
Heaven’s Family also continues to help forgotten lepers in China and India, where our physical assistance continues to soften hearts to the gospel. The Lord is doing some wonderful things, and we—together with you—are glad to be a part. Together with Him, Carole J. Collins |
Very impressive. I am from Kalay studying in United States. Thans for your love,
May Gob bless u,,