A life-changing gift
Jesus Healed Me
Never underestimate the power of your gift
Dear Family,
Just how powerful is God’s Word?
Let me share a testimony from Myanmar that resulted from New Testaments that you helped provide.
“I am Miss Khin Mar Htwe. I am 56 years old, and I was a very strong Muslim. I was always against other religions, especially Christians, because they always said their God is the Eternal God, the Living God, the Creator of the whole universe, etc…
Then in 2013 the right side of my body was paralyzed and I could not move. I was bedridden. I prayed to Allah and I read the Quran in order to be healed. Muslim leaders prayed for me many times, but nothing changed…. So my mom brought me to the hospital, but the doctors said there was no way to heal me from being paralyzed. I was so sad and there was no strength left in me, because I had no hope of ever walking again. I cried with many tears every day.
After four years like this, one of my best friends gave me a book and told me, ‘You should read this book, because you have no work.’ So I started reading it every day. I just read it like any other book, and at first it didn’t seem special. But then I read Mark 5:25-34 where Jesus healed a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years. Jesus said her faith had healed her. Shocked and interested in what I was reading, I stopped and just meditated…. The doctors could not heal this woman and they gave her no hope and took all her money. But Jesus healed her totally, because of her faith. So I started to have faith in Jesus and I challenged Jesus and said, ‘Jesus, if you are the real God and if you are able to heal my paralysis like you healed the woman in the Bible, then I will believe you and accept you as my God.’
The next morning, I prayed with faith to Jesus while I was still on my bed. I tried to get up and I could walk. I shouted and jumped for joy. My parents were shocked and did not believe what they were seeing. I told them, I am totally healed by Jesus. I knelt down and confessed my sins and accepted Jesus as the real God and as my personal Savior. My parents were so happy. …I found Jesus and He healed me.
I have decided to share and testify about Jesus until the end of my life. I have received more copies of this precious and greatest of books, the Bible, and so far I have distributed it to over 200 people among the Muslims and Buddhists. Thanks to you all who help to provide this book.
What else is there to add, except THANK YOU for changing Miss Khin’s life. How many others will come to Jesus as a result of her witness—a witness that wouldn’t have happened had you not acted to give her that Bible.
Many Blessings,
Peter Wray
Director, Strategic Bibles Ministry
Happy to read about your healing. Our Jesus can heal. He does not always heal physical bodies. It is His choice. If our weak bodies teach us to depend on Him then a weak body might be better than a strong body.
We must learn to trust Him even when we do not understand what He does or does not do. It takes time for this level of trust to build. I wonder if sometimes Jesus says “Yes” just so we can tell He is real. The answer will not always be “Yes” but we must learn to keep trusting Him when He says “No.”
great to read your testimony. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.