After preaching for 15 days in a Buddhist village and an Animist village, this Heaven’s Family-supported missionary witnessed 22 people confess their sins, believe Christ as their Lord and Savior, and receive baptism.
Dear Friends,
It’s exhilarating! As you read this, the gospel is being preached in places where the devil has held people in bondage for generations. As a result, entire families are being saved. Chains of addiction are being broken. Yokes of slavery to sin are being cast off in exchange for the liberating yoke of Jesus Christ!
But for our brothers and sisters faithfully serving as Heaven’s Family national missionaries, it’s just another day in their “office.” Thanks to all of you who make their work possible!
Left: the gospel being preached by a HF national missionary at a Burmese prison camp; right: one of the inmates publicly committing his life to Christ through baptism
The newly-married Mexican husband and wife who are being baptized in the two photos above are on fire for God, telling everyone how Jesus Christ has changed and saved them
Left: One of four new Burmese believers from Myahpaku village being baptized in a river; right: all four believers who were baptized that day
If you are interested in linking your life with a very worthy ambassador of Christ, please send me an email at [email protected].
On their behalf,
Jody Walter
Director, National Missionary Fund