Euni (not pictured) helps lead secret worship meetings inside North Korea
Letter from Euni
A testimony of God’s love and mercy from a North Korean believer
Dear Friends,
It is with great joy that I am able to share the following letter from a North Korean Christian woman named Euni that was written for you. Euni crossed the dangerous border area to visit a Heaven’s Family-supported safe house in China, where she received both spiritual and physical food to bring back to her family in Christ inside North Korea. Her story is powerful and we pray it serves as an encouragement to you.
Dear People of God,
I am Euni. I was born in a place where many North Koreans envy to live. But then my Father was wrongly accused and we were exiled to a work camp overnight. We were in a living hell, going through countless struggles every day.
At that time, I did not know that God had a plan for my family. I had not known or believed in God. Then a miracle happened. My family’s name was cleared of charges and we were released. Then my eldest sister was allowed to visit our aunt in China. While she was there she met a pastor and accepted Jesus Christ as her savior.
As soon as my sister returned, she asked me to believe in Jesus. At first, I was scared. But then, holding my sister’s hands, I prayed to accept Jesus as my savior. My sister taught me the gospel and told me that my house was now a church.
When my neighbors are sick, I pray for them intensely. Amazingly, they get healed. Some of us gather together to worship in a dugout mud cellar made for kimchi [spicy, fermented cabbage]. Of course, we are risking our lives for our faith. When we do, we sing and read the Bible breathlessly, using our softest voices, lest someone hears us. The Holy Spirit has been working in us, and our church has been growing every day.
Truly, it was my greatest wish to come to China to study the Bible deeply and worship the Lord freely in a loud voice. Even now, the members of our church back in North Korea are praying for me, taking turns every day. I would very much appreciate it if you can pray for me too.
Daughter of God,
I am very grateful for the help precious North Korean believers are receiving through your support of the North Korean Christians Ministry. Many others just like Euni are even now receiving aid and discipleship through the safe house because of your gifts. Thank you for offering them hope!
Ben Croft
Director, North Korean Christians Ministry