Christians in Pakistan, like those you helped
How you helped sustain and encourage many persecuted believers
Dear Family,
In 30+ years of working with the persecuted church, I have never sensed more need for an overwhelming compassionate response than I do right now during this worldwide pandemic.
My heart is stirred more deeply than ever as I hear from our partners in the hardest hit and poorest nations of the world. Yet my heart is also filled with great joy by your sacrificial giving during this crisis. Your gift was a lifeline of survival.
In Nepal, for example, the poorest country in Asia, you provided food packs (US$15 each, with rice for 3 weeks) through Heaven’s Family to believers in several desperate villages, and they’ve shared with their Hindu and Buddhist neighbors.
You helped smuggle food into North Korea, helping 120 families. Partners say families never looked so gaunt and thin.
You helped sustain 200 families in Pakistan because the government refused to give relief supplies to poor Christians unless they converted.
The stories are the same in other countries where we are working together. Sometimes our help to persecuted Christians seems like a drop in the bucket, but many of our partners say you have been a critical lifeline of survival and have provided them with more opportunities to share the love of Christ in the darkest of times.
Thank you, friend, for giving and praying!
David Promise
Director, Persecuted Christians Ministry