12-year-old Ardave (at left) looking very handsome at meal time, and standing tall and ready for school (inset)
Lost but Found
Hungry street kids find food, hope and Jesus in the Philippines
Dear Friends,
A young boy carefully picked through piles of rank-smelling, filthy garbage hoping to find some food scraps for his aching belly or something he could exchange for money. What the preoccupied boy didn’t notice was that, just as carefully, a nearby man was watching him with sad but compassionate eyes.
That man was Heaven’s Family partner David Wilkerson (not the famous one), who heads Hope House, a ministry to the poor in the slums of Cebu City, Philippines. David frequently wanders the streets of that city asking Jesus to show him who he needs to help that day. In his pocket he carries Philippine pesos, provided by gifts to the Food Fund, with which to meet pressing needs among those to whom the Lord directs him. David always brings along children who’ve already been blessed by the ministry of Hope House, teaching them by example how to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and how to pass on the love they’ve each received.
That day David and his young Jesus-followers introduced themselves to the boy, whom they learned was named Ardave. David reached into his pocket, pulled out some money, and helped the boy and his family that very day with some food. Then David and his young disciples invited him and his family to church. Ardave came. David then found a sponsor for Ardave, enabling him to attend school for the first time in his life. That was 3 years ago.
Ardave’s story is typical of the many street children living in Cebu. Like Ardave, many have fathers addicted to alcohol or drugs, and whatever money they may earn goes to feed their habits. Mothers are often the primary breadwinners, but barely earn enough to keep their families alive by washing clothes or cleaning homes.
Ardave is now 12 years old and attends third grade at school. He loves to help at church and regularly attends Bible studies.
Through your gifts to the Food Fund you are helping other street children like Ardave. His is a shining example of what is possible when we reach out and invest in children like him—those Jesus calls the “least of these.” He now knows that he is a person with value; he knows he has a spiritual family who cares for him; and he knows he has a heavenly Father who loves him.
Thank you so much for caring, and making what is often a life-or-death difference in the lives of street children like Ardave!
Arvada enjoying a special ice cream treat with a little buddy
A homeless child heartily enjoys a hot meal at Hope House
Your prayers and gifts to the Food Fund are so appreciated! Thank you so much!
Serving together,
Diane Scott
Director, Food Fund