Love Breaks Through
An example of how you impact the lives of those affected by leprosy
Dear Family,
Rejection is the constant companion of children born into the stigma of leprosy families, despite remaining unaffected by the disease. They must live with the stigma of never fitting in with their “normal” peers, forever keeping them locked in a prison of isolation.
When visiting our ministry partner, and his wonderful team of pastors in China a few years ago, the sadness of those patients exiled to mountain-top colonies affected me deeply. From the 1950s many had been moved to former Buddhist sanctuaries high in the clouds, as if to shroud them from far away families and loved ones. Marriage and conjugal relationships were forbidden. Nevertheless, love ignored the rules and children were conceived—though government officials forcibly aborted most of them. Even more tragically, at one colony I remember seeing a field of about 50 small graves, the victims of infanticide after birth.
On the brighter side, some colonies didn’t enforce such stringent rules and children were allowed to grow up with their parents. Hua Hua is one such fortunate survivor: a smart, “deep thinking” 13-year-old, as our partner describes her. She knew few other children her own age growing up, just the companionship of her angry, bitter father. Understandably, this life of quarantine produced a shy, reserved girl who spoke with a stammer.
In 2015, a door to broadened horizons opened for Hua Hua by an invitation to a camp for children from leprosy-affected families. It was at this camp that she first learned she was valued and actually loved. As our partner shared in his recent report:
During camp Hua Hua had the opportunity to meet a Friend that was like no other. This Friend even touched people with leprosy. HuaHua not only found friends, she found her best Friend in Jesus! When she heard the gospel she immediately knew it was the truth. Prayer flowed through her as if she had been a believer her whole life.
Jesus’ love broke through this precious girl’s heart! Upon returning home Hua Hua’s parents witnessed the gospel through her many acts of loving service. Even more reflective of her zeal to walk in the steps of her Savior, she invited an abandoned young lady, Xing Jing, who also suffered a life of desolation she remembered all too well, to attend the next camp. Happily, another young soul was impacted for Jesus.
Our partner concluded with this triumphant report on the combined efforts of Heaven’s Family’s Leprosy Ministry and Unreached People Groups Ministry:
Together we were able to be a part of sending 64 kids to camp! I love the fact that we can literally provide platforms for beautiful children like Hua Hua to be loved and meet Jesus! I fully believed we helped to change the course of her life!
Together we are breaking the stigma of leprosy with the power of the gospel! We are bringing hope to the lives of those with leprosy and their affected loved ones.
Hallelujah and Amen! Thank you for making this incredible ministry possible. Your generous support has helped others like Hua Hua break the curse of rejection and find the love of Jesus!
Together with Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry