The kids at Blessing Kindergarten and Nursery School get truly excited when the ‘lunch bell’ rings
Lunch ‘n Love
What’s the secret to learning in Nakuru?
Dear Friends,
The children living in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya, don’t get much to eat at home because their parents earn less than $2 a day on average. Many parents in this poverty-stricken community are so beaten down and filled with hopelessness that they do not even care whether their children attend school or not.
Alfred and Millicent Alugaya cared about the education of the children in the slum, however, because they love Jesus, and in their compassion started Blessing Kindergarten and Nursery School. But they knew that kids could not learn without enough food, so they had been trying to provide them with one daily meal. But their limited resources meant they couldn’t always provide the nutritious food the children needed.
Alfred and Millicent had a vision to stop the cycle of poverty through education, daily nutrition and generous helpings of the love of Jesus, but needed outside help.
That’s why Heaven’s Family has come alongside this godly couple—an effort made possible by your generous gifts to the Food Fund. Thanks to you, we now help provide a daily nutritious lunch for the 60 young children attending this Christian school (I’ve included a few photos below).
Orderly children at Blessing School preparing for lunchtime…
…and some not-so-orderly children!
These two handsome little boys left the lunch-line (the only ones who got out of the line) to ham it up for the camera
Thank you so much for caring—you are making a difference in many lives. Your prayers and gifts to the Food Fund are so appreciated!
Serving together,
Diane Scott
Director, Food Fund