While mom smiled for the camera, this little milk mustached boy was not easily parted from his glass of protein-filled milk!
Milk Mustache Outbreak
Little lives are changing because they “got milk”
Dear Friends,
In Goma, DR Congo, once-destitute ladies and their children are being fed physically and spiritually, learning marketable skills through a food-for-learning program directed by brother-in-Christ Simeon Mahunga, our ministry partner in Goma.
You’ve probably heard about the terrible suffering these women and their children have endured due to the ongoing civil war in that land, but this month I’d like to share with you some testimonies from those whose lives you’ve sustained and whose spirits you’ve refreshed…
Katherine, abandoned by her husband when pregnant with her 7th child, fled to Goma after her village was attacked. When asked how the food helps, she simply but firmly answers, “So much. I was suffering so much, now we are better. The milk helps so much.”
Kashindi, a widow with 5 children, talked of how she felt she could not survive before coming to the program. When asked about how the food program has helped she answered, “First of all it (the bulk foods) much motivated me to come learn and pay attention, too.”
Lydia, a mother of 6, fled to Goma from her village 250 kilometers away, She came to the program and has learned crocheting skills with recycled plastic and now helps to teach newer ladies. She says, “I was in want (when I came here to Goma).” After learning the skills herself, she was asked to teach others. “Why can’t I teach them?” she thought. “…how can I not? I am blessed to give back. The food is what helped to meet our basic needs.”
Thanks to gifts to the Food Fund, they are receiving one week’s worth of bulk beans, rice, cooking oil and salt each month to help feed their families. Also, the daily glass of milk for the small children who accompany their moms to the training has been a huge blessing. Prior to the milk program, hungry, thirsty children would often distract their moms from learning by crying much of the time. When the children began to receive daily milk their behavior completely changed! Happier children results in happier moms who can learn and work more effectively, and, in turn, support their families better!
Mothers joyfully receiving their life-sustaining food allotment, courtesy of Heaven’s Family
Precious babies sporting milk mustaches…how cute can they get?
Thank you for loving the “least of these” through your gifts to the Food Fund! Every gift is so appreciated!
Serving together,
Diane Scott
Director, Food Fund
Dear Diane
I really appreciate the Milk mustached beautiful photo you have selected and comments you have made on both food distributed and milk fed to kids at Women’s Recycled Center . There is much change in children health both at Wow and WRC as they are regularly fed milk on daily basis .
Be blessed in Him