Microloan Ministry

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added to you.” - Matthew 6:33

In Need of an Opportunity

Many of the world’s poor lack the opportunity to succeed. They are desperate to care for their families, but without financial resources and the opportunity to develop business skills, hard work and desire are not enough. You can help by providing these families access to capital and business skills training. A budding entrepreneur is waiting for your help in order to break the chains of poverty! You can sustain a family through a low-interest microloan, and that blessing will continue to cycle through their community, benefiting future borrowers for years to come.

Pictured above is Francis from Uganda standing with the inventory in his retail shop all made possible with his loan of $300.

Microloans, Training and Discipleship

Generations of people are shackled to a cycle of poverty stemming from broken systems and relationships. The dependence on unstable and unreliable resources experienced by those in poverty often seems to be an insurmountable problem. However, through the power of Christ, not only can physical and economic needs be met, but ultimately true transformation can occur.

God is providing a way to transform lives from this crippling poverty to lasting stability through your partnership with the Microloan Ministry. You can provide access to microloans, business training and discipleship groups for thousands of poor believers in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

Alleviating poverty through microloans and savings enables poor business owners to reach a new level of economic stability without unhealthy dependencies. Our borrowers are economically empowered through their own hard work, discipline and repayment of the loan.

Biblically-based training focuses on teaching the borrowers and micro-bankers basic business and financial principles. This training provides the foundation for these entrepreneurs to establish sustainable incomes built on the solid foundation of Christ.

Creating space for mentorship, discipleship and evangelism in our small groups of borrowers encourages holistic engagement that goes beyond strictly financial improvement, but permeates every aspect of the broken systems and relationships of poverty. Your contributions to the Microloan Ministry help believers launch grocery shops, tailoring services, repair businesses, grow cash crops, or raise chickens, pigs, cows or goats. These borrowers receive biblical business training and meet in discipleship groups to support one another, pray, study scripture, and grow in their faith. As loans are repaid the money is recycled within the community helping many more individuals and families. The economic and spiritual benefits you provide through the Microloan Ministry continues through many generations!

Karanja in Kamwaura, Kenya used his loan to purchase a pregnant cow whose calf he sold for a profit while continuing to benefit from his initial investment.

You Can Help

Your contribution will help fund small business loans for poor Christians in restricted and wwweloping nations around the world. These brothers and sisters are willing to work hard to see this opportunity through for themselves and their families. Will you partner with them?

A gift of $150 can help a sister in Christ start a small vegetable stand.

A rice refining business can be expanded with a contribution of $500.

A gift of $1,000 can help start a bodaboda (motorcycle) business.

Or invest any amount to provide small business loans for impoverished Christians


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