Stories & Testimonies

Stories & Testimonies

Below are just a few of the many testimonies we receive about lives being impacted and transformed by the National Missionary Ministry of Heaven’s Family.

Image of missionary praying with couple
26 Aug

Crossing Mountains

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang work at a pig farm in rural China. Mr. Zhang has been a Christian for the past three years, but his wife remained resistant to the gospel. When Mr. Zhang heard that missionaries were traveling to a village over the next mountain, he asked their boss for time off from work so he could bring his wife to meet them, hopeful that she would finally surrender her life to the Lord.

Picture of Sikh family believers
05 Nov

Faithfulness in the Face of Persecution

Jesus told his disciples to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt 5:44). Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to follow these words of Jesus when you’re actually being persecuted? Heaven’s Family-supported national missionaries in India live out this verse every day. They faithfully visit villages where they face opposition and pray for their persecutors. Those who come to faith through their message can also face heavy persecution.

Picture of new Chinese believer
27 Jun

New Life

Lily had a troubled life. A heavy smoker and drinker, divorced twice and now married for the third time, she experienced a powerful life transformation after a Chinese believer shared the gospel with her. The woman who shared her faith with Lily was a disciple of a missionary sent by Heaven’s Family’s National Missionary Ministry.

Picture of missionary in Kenya
30 Apr

Reinforced Dedication

Over my decades of involvement in evangelistic and discipleship ministry in dozens of unreached nations, I have become absolutely convinced that the most efficient and cost-effective way to respond to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit globally and the unprecedented growth of the church in many parts of the world is through national missionaries.

Picture of mountainous terrain in Nepal
10 Jan

Danger Ahead

Of the 40 countries I have visited in my mission career, Nepal is near the top for most beautiful, most open to the gospel...and most dangerous when it comes to its mountain roads. Navigating these treacherous byways requires nerves of steel. To make matters worse, nearly a third of the population cannot afford a car, so they ride small, cheaply-made motorcycles, which only adds to the road’s chaos—and danger.

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