It has been estimated that 200 million Christians in the world live with the reality of severe persecution, including imprisonment, horrific violence, and even martyrdom for following Jesus. Most stand strong in their faith, knowing Jesus promised that His followers would be hated and even killed. The Bible teaches us as the global body of Christ to bear their burdens, knowing that “when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (1 Cor. 12:26).
Beaten for Jesus

200 million Christians in the world live with the reality of severe persecution.

Linking Arms with Our Persecuted Family
The Persecuted Christians Ministry stands with our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. We are committed to finding, reaching, and rescuing Christians in some of the darkest places on earth. Using a network of underground international contacts, we distribute emergency food aid, Bibles, and other essential resources to those in great need. We also provide underground discipleship through safe houses, and equip secret missionaries to take the message of the Gospel deep into the strongholds of the enemy.
We invite you to join us in the great story of rescuing God’s beloved bride. Your role matters!
Two women in Orissa, India, visit what remains of their home after it was destroyed in a wave of persecution against Christians by Hindu radicals
How You Can Help
Your gift will help to meet the essential needs of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering from homelessness and violence due to severe persecution.