Stories & Testimonies

Stories & Testimonies

Below are just a few of the many testimonies we receive about lives being impacted and transformed by the Unreached People Groups Ministry of Heaven’s Family.

24 Aug

History in the Making

Joy filled my heart as I sat with my son Caleb in the "sardine" section for the 12-or-so hours of our plane ride to China last July. That's because we were on an historic mission to bring God's Word to the A-Che people in their own language—something never before done!

01 May

Mang vs. Yang [Todd’s 2nd and Final Unreached People Groups Fund Blog]

Insults were normally the first thing Sister Yang heard as she walked each day past the house of Luo Mang, her neighbor. Luo Mang often peppered her loud insults with curses as well. Luo Mang is not just any ordinary neighbor. She is the wife of the assistant elder, a powerful position in the Chinese rural government system, who helps oversee 10 villages in all. He must be committed to the Communist Party to attain and hold this position.

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