The photo above is of Alejandra Aguirre Olivares, a little girl who lives with Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick and everyone else at “The Village.” She and I became buddies during my stay. Because Alejandra was born with some birth defects, she was abandoned as a baby by her mother, who simply left her to die in a field. Alejandra was discovered in that field by a semi-good Samaritan, who five years later gave custody to a better good Samaritan, who, about a year-and-a-half ago gave custody to Jason and Nicole. Alejandra had never attended school. She can speak well, feed herself, and walk, but only with great difficulty. Her legs are always bent. While I was in Mexico, we took Alejandra to a Christian doctor who referred us to a specialist in Mexico City. I just received a report from Nicole of Alejandra’s appointment with him. The good news is that there is hope. Alejandra will need several spinal nerve surgeries and extensive rehab, but the doctor guarantees that she will stand straighter and walk almost normally. And it looks like Mexico’s National Institute for Pediatrics will do everything for free since Alejandra is an orphan under the Fitzpatrick’s care. So Heaven’s Family will only need to pay for the logistics of getting her to and from her surgeries and therapy in Mexico City. I look forward to sending out an “after photo” of Alejandra when she is walking straight and tall. David