Dear Friends,
I want to share some very recent testimonies I have received from Khamh, our very good friend in Myanmar. The Heaven’s Family Food Fund is making a great difference in the lives of poor believers there. Even though I had to postpone my December 2009 trip to Myanmar in order to take care of some pressing ministry issues in Kenya, I still arranged for an emergency food distribution of $1,000 USD there. So far, Khamh has been able to help twenty-five poor families with large bags of rice. The testimonies below each photo are Khamh’s own words. Thank you for helping us to make a difference! The young man in the first photo is from “_______” village of Inle Lake area. He came to faith in Christ through our Youth retreat program this month. He was too happy when we gave him a bag of rice, and as he ran to his home with a bag of rice, he fell off from the tiny bamboo bridge with his rice. He could not give me a smile as I took his picture because his rice bag fell deep below 15ft and he and his family have to eat wet rice that for a day. Wet rice or soaked rice smell very bad. The man whose photo is taken on the boat is from “_______” village. He is a national missionary in Inle lake area. His father cast him out from home on the day he became a Christian. He does not have a home, and his earning can’t just support renting a house. That’s the reason I took his photo on a boat. He stays with believers for a month in one family and then moves to another. He will be sharing his rice with several families. The young lady in the photo is from “_______” village. She is a high School student in Nyaung Shwe town, a seven miles journey from her home. She doesn’t have an engine on her boat, so she has to row with a hand paddle fourteen miles each day. She is a real hard working lady who also is very active in church youth activities. Sadly, her parents are not Christians yet. The woman in the photo is from “_______” village of Inle Lake. She also is a new believer who came to her faith in our Lord Jesus last year, and she has never missed any conference or training or seminar from the day she became Christian. She works as a day worker in a paddy field and gets 500 kyats a day, which is equivalent to 50 cents of a US Dollar. The Lord’s prayer “give us today our daily bread” may not be necessary in the United States, but in the lives of these people, the prayer is so necessary. They do need our intensive care in their journey to a mature Christian life. Please remember them in your prayers. Chuck King |