Nancy’s Miracle Machine

27 Jun

Nancy’s Miracle Machine

Nancy (second from left), her grandmother and two other friends holding the material we bought for her sewing machine

Dear Friends,

Isn’t it amazing how the simplest thing to us can be a life-changing miracle for others?

One of those happened a few months ago when we blessed Nancy, an orphan in Misikhu, Kenya, with a new sewing machine. Her local church had raised the money to send her to a seamstress school, and after Nancy graduated they asked us at Heaven’s Family if we could provide her with a sewing machine so that she could start her own business. Receiving such a scholarship from her church is more than Nancy could have dreamt of not long ago, and now she has her very own sewing business—that qualifies as a miracle in her book!

But wait, there’s more: the people of her village, after seeing someone care for an orphan like Nancy, have begun to soften their hearts towards the gospel. That’s a village-changing miracle that many of you played a part in making happen.

Thank you for your compassion,

CJ McDaniel
Director, Education Fund

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