No Free Riders

13 Oct

Polio-stricken Francis Budohi, ready to go to church on a bicycle taxi

Dear Friends,

Francis Budohi contracted polio as a young boy and has not walked since. To make matters worse, he never had the chance to go to school in Kenya, his homeland, because his parents could not afford the special school that handicapped children were required to attend.

Since he has no mobility in his legs, Francis has to pay people to carry him wherever he wants to go.

But here’s some good news: Several years ago, Francis surrendered his life to Jesus and has been following Him ever since. He sews shoes by hand to earn enough money to pay someone to transport him to church on a bicycle taxi.

Because of your gifts to the Handicapped Christians Fund, we’ve just sent money to provide Francis with a special hand-powered tricycle so he can get around on his own. We also hope to soon provide him with a micro-loan so that he can purchase the necessary equipment to expand his shoe business. Then he’ll be completely self-sufficient.

Francis Budohi with his new hand-powered tricycle

In Christ,

CJ McDaniel
Director, Christians with Disabilities Fund

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