Heaven's Family Magazine
October 2013 Issue

“Old Unfaithful”

The Safe Water Fund at Work in Haiti

Diane Scott, Safe Water Ministry


Some of the children of Mt. Carmel Orphanage in Haiti, sitting on the above-ground portion of their new cistern

For the past 26 years, the children of Mt. Carmel Orphanage, in northern Haiti, have depended on a single well on their property to meet all their water needs. Daily pumping by little hands produced enough clean, fresh spring water to provide for all of the drinking, cooking and bathing needs of the children, as well as some very poor neighbors. Even after Mt. Carmel was infused with a new surge of orphans after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, the faithful well handled the increased water demand.

In March of this year, however, “old faithful” began producing less and less water, until the situation grew critical. Pastor Geordany Joseph, the aged but very able director of Mt. Carmel, knew that something had to be done quickly. The closest other water source was a contaminated pond over a mile away. The only alternative was to construct a rainwater collection system and cistern, but the start of the rainy season in Haiti was just a month away. Something had to be done quickly, but there were no funds available for the orphanage to pay for such a project. Pastor Geordany contacted Heaven’s Family for emergency help. We published an appeal that received a quick response, and the necessary funds were sent to Haiti from our Safe Water Fund.

Work on the cistern, most of which was to be buried underground, began immediately. By God’s grace and the help of beloved Heaven’s Family partners, the rainwater collection system was completed just before the summer rains began to fall! The cistern holds approximately 4,800 gallons, and is fed by rainwater collected from a nearby roof.

This past July, Heaven’s Family staff member Jeff Trotter led a team of twenty adults and high school seniors to visit Mt. Carmel and minister to the needs of the children and the surrounding neighborhood. Jeff noted that the cistern was about 75% full at that time, thanks to plentiful rains from a couple of thunderstorms that passed through during the team’s visit.


At left, “old faithful” being coaxed for a little more water. At right, God’s faithfulness demonstrated: the new 4,800-gallon, rainwater-fed cistern.


A few of the beautiful children of Mt. Carmel Orphanage that will continue to receive the water they need

Although “old faithful” had become unfaithful, the Lord has again proven Himself always faithful!


If you enjoy plentiful, drinkable water from the convenience of your sink faucet, you belong to a privileged minority. Billions of people around the world suffer from undependable water sources and contamination. The Safe Water Fund provides the “least of these” in poor nations like Haiti with wells, cisterns and water-purification systems to meet this pressing need.

Help provide safe drinking water for impoverished Christians


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