Dear Praying Friends, I know many of you have been praying and wondering how Van’s heart surgery went…and I’m happy to report that it was a success! As you can see in the photos, she is now recovering nicely in a hospital in Yangon, Myanmar. The surgery was originally scheduled for March 6, but Van woke up that day with an intestinal infection and the doctors could not operate. They rescheduled the operation for the next day, but then another obstacle surfaced—an infected tooth! The operation finally was performed at noon on March 8. The patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a persistent opening between two major blood vessels leading from the heart, was repaired and the vein leading from her lungs to her heart was replaced. She spent many days in the intensive care unit and has now been moved to her own room. She will continue her recovery over the next several days, and hopes to be going home to her family next week. Van sends her heartfelt thanks to all of you who have prayed for her and helped her financially through gifts to the Critical Medical Needs Fund. She knows that if the Lord had not used you to help her she may not have survived much longer. Please continue to pray for her as she gains strength and gets healthier every day.
In His service, Patti Samuels |