From Pain to Peace
How you helped a rape victim find wholeness
Dear Family,
Sometimes life happenings serve primarily to teach us that this world is not our home. Such is the case for “Julia.”
Julia contracted HIV from her late husband, and both of her children also passed away because of this insidious disease (her daughter was infected via rape). Then, tragically, one of her grandchildren died from food poisoning.
Though poverty’s face has many expressions, pain is always present. Gratefully, you have once again answered the call of Jesus to the “least of these”! Julia’s grandchildren have food and an education every single day because you have cared for women who have suffered the ravages of sexual violence.
And your compassion has provided Julia and other women with comfort and strength as they are discipled each week. Though most of her family is no longer on this earth, Julia has hope because of Jesus.
Thank you!
Patty Forney
Director, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry