Dear Friends, Greetings from Yunnan Province in South Western China. I’m here checking up on a few Heaven’s Family projects with long-time friend and missionary, Sam (name changed to protect identity). Sam is a man of great faith, as illustrated by photo above of him driving his Toyota across an old suspension bridge across the Yangtze River. We parked on the other side to begin a six-mile hike to a tiny mountain village of Lisu tribal people. Sam has won several families to the Lord in that village and Heaven’s Family has helped them with much-needed water reservoirs. The photo below shows Sam and myself on our hike to their village. Although it appears as if we are standing beside a small stream, that stream is actually the Yangtze River hundreds of feet below us. On the opposite side of the river you can see rice terraces. And just a little above my head and to the left is the village that was our destination, far off in the distance. I’ve added a few other photos below of some of the beautiful Lisu people with whom we spent time. I’ll appreciate your prayers as I head to other parts of China this and next week to check up on other projects. Every blessing,