A Rohingya woman holding a solar light that helped illuminate her path to Jesus
Rejoicing About Rohingyas
Lighting the way into the hearts of an unreached people group
Dear Friends,
I’m happy to report that the gifts many of you offered to help Rohingya refugees from Myanmar now living in India have finally brought the “light” of Jesus to many! We initially had some problems communicating with our partner in India (you may recall that I had contacted those of you who gave to this project about unforeseen difficulties that caused delays distributing your gifts), but now I want to tell you that we were finally able to provide 250 families with solar lamps in December. These Muslim refugees have little or no access to electricity.
After distributing the lamps, a lady came running out of her tent with an older solar lantern that her family had been using. When asked where she had gotten the lamp, she told us that over a year ago she had been living in Jammu, Kashmir, among the Rohingya refugees there. Someone representing Heaven’s Family had come to the camp and handed out lamps and preached the gospel. She was not a believer at the time, but after she saw the kindness and love shown to her people and heard the testimony about Jesus Christ, she and her family decided to follow Jesus. They then moved to Delhi, India, where they’d heard a Christian Rohingya community was located.
There are about 34 Rohingya families currently following Jesus in Delhi. Here is an excerpt of a letter in broken English we received from our partner in India:
By the grace of God we are able to finish last week’s gathering with great result…God gave us 21 lost souls and we gave them baptism yesterday itself. We really praise God for His being with us and His presence. If God is willing we are praying to be able to give baptism on Jan. 2016 to 10 persons. We also praying and strongly believe that one day sooner or later God will make our Church (Rohingya believers) to be a blessing and a giver of light to all Rohingya people who are still in the dark.
A witness for Christ has begun amongst the Rohingya people group—news that is especially amazing considering they were an unreached people group just a few years ago! Thank you for helping us shine the “light” of the gospel into the darkness!
Becky Servant
Director, Refugee Ministry