Restoring a Lost Smile
You’ve helped an abused girl find hope
Dear Family,
Suzan would sleep on the cold dirt floor as her mother fulfilled the sexual desires of both men and women. If a customer was present in the daytime, Suzan and her sisters would have to stand watch for any other prospects and keep them entertained until their mother finished with her previous client.
Suzan frequently went without food, and her mother would bash the girls on their heads with large rocks. No medical treatment was available, so healing had to happen on its own.
Uneducated and malnourished, Suzan was afraid of almost everything when she was rescued at age nine. No longer fearful, she is now a quiet and soft-spoken 14-year-old. Though she is still unsure of herself, her self-confidence is growing every day and she has hopes to be a nurse someday.
Thank you for loving Suzan. Through your gifts to Heaven’s Family Human Trafficking & Slavery Ministry she experiences God’s love for her in a place of safety. You are His hands and feet here on earth for the “least of these” who have suffered much through no fault of their own!
Burt and Patty Forney
Directors, Human Trafficking & Slavery Ministry