Morning milk: When we arrived at Rising Star School, it was not long before the teachers lined up the children to give everyone a cup of milk, provided by Heaven’s Family’s Food Ministry.
This little girl, like the majority of her peers, would not be attending any school if not for Rising Star
Another child who is being helped by Rising Star
This is the Rising Star “kitchen,” a pot of beans cooked over an open fire, which was the day’s lunch for all the students, courtesy of Heaven’s Family’s Food Ministry
Lunch of beans and rice about to be served
Before they eat with their hands, children line up to wash their hands first
A happy lunch eater
More lunch eaters
Yet another lunch eater
Class in session…but no desks or chairs
We followed this mother and son (a Rising Star student) about a mile to visit their house (see next photo)
And here they are, standing in front of their humble home, typical of most homes where students and families live
Their house interior, with a dirt floor
Another nearby home. This grandmother cares for a number of children whose parents died of HIV