Cleophas Makona with sacks of beans and rice
Dear Friends,
Last summer the normal life-giving rains did not fall on the remote rural village of Saboti, Kenya. As a result, their bean crops—an important source of protein—withered. To make matters worse, torrential rains fell in the following months, drowning what little survived the dry spell.
The people of Saboti, including the church there that numbers 80 saints and 5 other churches in the surrounding communities, are mostly poor subsistence farmers.
With a serious food shortage looming, Cleophas Makona, our trusted partner who also lives in Saboti, requested emergency assistance to help get the most vulnerable through this lean time.
Grateful members of the churches who received food supplements in Saboti
Thanks to your generous gifts to Heaven’s Family’s Food Fund, we were able to bless the believers with 1,500 pounds of beans and rice. The much-needed food assistance was received with great joy, and there were many thanks given to God for this answer to their prayer!
Cleophas’ wife Beatrice (at right in photos) distributing food to some of the saints
Thank you so much for putting your compassion for hungry Christians into action, as food insecurity can become a serious and life-threatening problem. Food shortages can happen slowly or quickly, and can be caused by droughts, floods, political or military conflicts, government policies, persecution and other circumstances beyond the control of our poor spiritual brothers and sisters. Your gifts are so appreciated.
Serving our Lord Together,
Diane Scott
Director, Food Fund