Joseph is 1 of 100 children who would be working every day in Guatemala’s largest garbage dump if it weren’t for your help
Smiling despite the stench
Elisabeth’s 2nd trip blog from Guatemala
Dear Family,
A minefield of dog feces and a diarrhea-filled diaper were just a few of the items we had to tiptoe around today to get to young Joseph’s home. For outsiders like us, the stench of the slum where eight-year-old Joseph lives was extremely potent. Joseph, however, is accustomed to the smell. His family has lived in this slum, which sits right next to Guatemala’s largest garbage dump, for generations. But that generational cycle will end with Joseph, thanks in part to you!
Joseph’s mother was given the opportunity to send her children to a school located very close to the garbage dump. This school’s mission is to free children from the vicious cycle of poverty. And the school is doing an amazing job! One hundred children—all of whom would otherwise be working at the dump, sorting trash along with their parents—are receiving a quality education that will enable them to choose a career. Joseph’s mom beamed with pride as she told me how her children will have a better future.
Joseph showing off his home
Thank you so much for playing a vital role in breaking a generational cycle for Joseph through the Education Ministry of Heaven’s Family. He now has hope for a brighter future.
Elisabeth Walker
Director, Education Ministry