Exactly what is a critical medical need? Most of us think it’s a debilitating or lifethreatening condition, and that is true. But for many of the world’s poor who lack qualified doctors, clinics or the means to pay for them, a simple toothache, left untreated, can grow into something that prevents them from being able to provide for their families—or worse, can end their lives.
So when we are told by one of our trusted partners around the world that someone they know has a critical medical need, we listen, and we pray to find out how God wants us to be involved. Connecting a poor brother or sister in Christ with a compassionate believer who has the means and desire to help— someone like you—is what the Critical Medical Needs Ministry is all about.
This past year we provided treatments for simple needs like aching teeth and broken bones, as well as what we all consider serious needs, such as emergency caesarean sections, heart failure and cancer. Your donations helped 58 people in 10 countries, demonstrating love and giving hope and life to people whom otherwise would suffer or even die because they couldn’t afford medical care…people like Mark in Kenya, who suffered 20 years with painful, watery eyes; Alice, also from Kenya, who was healed of podiconiosis, a disabling disease in her feet; and Akuma from Uganda, who suffered severe pain in her ribs for more than 15 years before being properly diagnosed and treated. The list goes on. And the Lord constantly provides through you His saints.
We were blessed to receive $22,552 in contributions last year, all of which went to help heal and restore the “least of these” whom Jesus loves. They are so grateful that their worldwide spiritual family showed up to help them.
Thank you for your gifts and prayers to the Critical Medical Needs Ministry of Heaven’s Family in 2015. Whenever you help fellow believers who are suffering you are helping Jesus, who will one day say…I was hungry… thirsty…naked…sick… and you loved Me.