Pau Biak Muang and Pastor James, director of New Heritage Orphanage in Myanmar.
As you may recall from the October Orphan’s Tear update, I told you about an exciting new plan to have sponsored children write letters to their sponsors. I’m now pleased to tell you that letters have started to come in!
Below is one such letter that I recently received from an orphaned boy in Myanmar that I felt was so precious I had to share it with ALL of you:
Dear Sponsor,
I am greeting you in the name of Jesus Christ. This child name is Pau Biak Muang. He is 13 years old. Now, he is studying at 6th standard, (7th grade). He has one close friend and his name is Maung Than Naing. As this child is coming from Chin state, he does not know how to write and read Burmese. At those times, his friend patiently explains on behalf of their teachers. He likes Science. Then, he likes to play football [soccer].
He has arrived to New Heritage in 2013. He was studying at Chin state with his parents. But, when his parents were passed away, one elder from the village sent this child to me for his education and future life. Though he has passed his 4th standard, he does not know how to read and write not only Burmese but Chin, his mother language. Therefore, as a father, I, Pastor James have written this letter on behalf of this child, Pau Biak Muang. We have divided two kinds of duty at our home. One is cleaning for the house and another is for [cleaning] the compound. After six months of his arrival to New Heritage, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord. He worships and praises God with the family and then, sometimes, he leads the service and gives a testimony.
He was so much happy when we had participated at one other Church for Christmas celebration last year. He said he was so happy and that was his unforgettable experience during last year. They were really happy for they had fellowship with many people. His future ambition is to become school teacher. Thanks for reading this letter patiently. We always pray for you in our daily prayer. May God bless you!
Your son,
Pau (written by Pastor James on behalf of Pau)
Without being able to read or write, Pau wouldn’t stand much of a chance of succeeding in life. That’s why I’m so happy for New Heritage and other orphanages like it that give kids like Pau the education they need to survive—and also the love and nurturing they need to thrive. And for Pau, his future looks bright because he has a sponsor who helps make his new life in Christ possible.
Pau cannot yet read or write, so he does all he can by drawing a picture for his sponsor
Pau enjoys playing with the orphanage’s new baby ducks
I’ll be keeping a sharp eye out for other letters that melt my heart, and I’ll try to share them with you when I can.
Thank you all so much for your ongoing partnership to better the lives of orphans in Jesus’ name. May the Lord bless you!
Elisabeth Walker
Director of Orphan’s Tear