Picture of a believers in Myanmar meeting secretly
Believers continue to meet secretly in Myanmar while avoiding church buildings (faces blocked for security purposes)


You’ve provided a lifeline to the persecuted church in Myanmar

Dear Family,

Several months ago, Myanmar erupted into madness as a military coup ripped the nation apart. Christians became one of the main targets of blame for the chaos. Persecution took many forms: intimidation, arson at Christian-run facilities, rampant theft, lack of access to food, and economic pressure.

Khin—one of the dedicated partners of Heaven’s Family’s Persecuted Christians Ministry—recently entered the crosshairs as a target. Getting little sleep night after night, he has been guarding his family against the threat of attacks. By day, he continues to serve King Jesus faithfully. In addition, 21 community families are depending on Khin’s ministry group to help them find enough food to avert starvation.

You have helped pour desperately needed resources into the hands of spiritual leaders like Khin in many corners of Myanmar. There is still much to do. We must not let up in our commitment. The very lives of heroic Christian believers are depending on our faithfulness. Thank you for not forgetting our persecuted family in their time of crisis!

David Promise
Director, Persecuted Christians Ministry

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