Straightening lives that have been twisted by abuse and neglect has become a special calling of God on the life of Nicole Fitzpatrick, a Heaven’s Family missionary in Mexico. She has learned that Jesus’ love, poured out liberally and consistently over time, makes even the most broken and bent souls straight.
Cristina is one of those souls. Cristina was abused and then abandoned when she was 12 years old. When Nicole learned of her tragic situation, she took her into her own family, which consists of her husband and their two natural children, plus dozens of other children with stories similar to Cristina’s. And as time and healing went on, Nicole enjoyed seeing a joyful smile find its way from Cristina’s heart to her face, just like she’s witnessed on the faces of all her kids—kids who, when she first met them, didn’t know how to smile either.
But now 18, Cristina’s adolescent self-consciousness prevents her from doing so for fear of showing her mouth full of unattractive, crooked teeth. Nicole has felt compassion for Cristina’s plight, but only ever has funds for critical medical needs. One day, however, Nicole stepped out in faith and told Cristina that she believed God would provide so that she could get braces. Little did either know that their faith would be soon be rewarded, and in a way that unmistakably had God’s fingerprints all over it!
Knowing that Nicole’s children had general dentistry needs, we sent $300 from Orphan’s Tear’s Special Projects Fund this month to help provide for such needs. What we didn’t know was that $300 was the exact amount needed for Cristina’s braces. Now Nicole, a passionate servant of Jesus who has helped straighten many broken and bent lives, will also be helping to straighten teeth!
I love it when we can be a part of God’s plan to bless orphans…even with braces. Thanks to those of you who have given to the Special Projects Fund, Cristina will one day be able to flash a smile that reflects the joy and gratitude within her heart—a smile I believe you’ll one day see in heaven!
Thank you for your partnership that is bettering the lives of orphans!
Elisabeth Walker
Director of Orphan’s Tear