The director of New Heritage Orphanage, James Thang, is striving to make his orphanage self-sufficient. To that end, he asked Orphan’s Tear for a $1,000 loan to start a pig business with six pigs. He was originally planning to build a pig house with wood, but he realized it would only last for a couple of years. He wanted something that would last longer, so he sold his wedding ring to raise the additional funds needed to build a concrete pig house. The children are quite excited to have these new “pets” in the family, but within a year they will have to say goodbye to them because they will be sold to provide a feast for a hungry family in Myanmar. With the income raised from this business, James can pay back the loan, supply some of the needs of his orphanage, and start the cycle over again with even more pigs! Thank you for giving to the Orphan’s Tear Special Projects Fund! You are helping orphanages become self-sufficeint, one at a time.