Boaz and Murali, graduates in Culinary Arts, ready for first jobs
The Ingredients for Success
Swinging wide the doors of opportunity for two “untouchables”
Dear Friends,
I first met Boaz and Murali on my trip to India for the Leprosy Ministry in 2012. I had come to meet the students we had begun sponsoring for school the year before, and we were eager to start our first Vacation Bible School for about 100 children, some of whom were from a nearby orphanage. Boaz was one of the praise and worship leaders, playing some “mean” drums, and Murali was right at my side directing the activities for the rambunctious kids. We had a spirited time, and these two fine young men became my faithful program directors every year since, including last November.
By the time of that visit, however, these young men had already graduated from high school—thanks to Heaven’s Family sponsorship at a private school—and were about to finish their vocational training at the College of Culinary Arts and Hotel Management, also provided by Heaven’s Family. Even with their jobs as chefs about to begin—truly an achievement for young people living under the stigma of having grown up in a leprosy colony—Boaz and Murali continue to follow after God.
Even more exciting is that, since my visit, I’ve begun talking with Boaz and Murali about the possibility of them attending a YWAM discipleship training program in Tyler, Texas—very near my home—after they finish six months of on-the-job restaurant training. They are thrilled about this possibility! A heart for God, skills to support themselves, and an enthusiasm for life…Boaz and Murali have the right ingredients for success! I will keep you posted as this incredible journey unfolds.
Thank you to all of our supporters who are making it possible for young people to rise above decades of poverty into provision for not only themselves, but for their families as well. It must make God smile!
Together with Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry