Rescued and reunited
The Miracle that Almost Didn’t Happen
How one young Mexican girl attempted the impossible
Caution: the following story contains material not suitable for children
Dear Friends,
The fight against human trafficking and slavery is often a discouraging one. Some battles are lost. So it’s with great joy that we are able to share this incredible story of success with you! We’ve worked for several years with Nicole and her husband Jason, and often hear about how her heart is aching for one child after another in desperate need of rescue. They are all precious to her because every one is precious to Jesus.
We first heard about sisters Marie and Elena (names have been changed to protect their identities) about three years ago, at which time Nicole had already known them for three years and was trying everything at her disposal to rescue them from daily abuse—with painfully few results. But all that began to change in February 2015. Nicole gave us permission to use her words as she tells the miraculous story of how these two girls were rescued:
After almost 5 years of failure and struggle we finally rescued Marie. [Saving her] was intense and dangerous, but I had to face the cruel reality that I either could get away with Marie or neither…I had to let the pimp literally pull little 9-year-old Elena out of my arms and, since that time, drag her from one Mexican state to another, from one brothel to another.
My attorney and I made endless trips to several states for the next 19 months seeking legal means to rescue Elena, but with no success. I received death threats daily.
During that time Marie suffered with great anxiety whenever I left her for more than a few days. Then one awful day—September 16, 2016, after suffering another bout with anxiety—she ran away in the night! We were devastated. Marie left us a two-page letter telling us how grateful she was and that she loved us, but that she could wait no longer—she had to find her little sister.
Her mother was 750 kilometers (about 450 miles) away. How would Marie, a 13-year-old girl, ever find her? Even if she did, I knew she would be beaten and raped and forced to sell herself again. We prayed. Constantly.
Then three agonizing weeks later, on October 8th, I received a call—from Marie’s mom. She told me that Marie had found her and Elena, and had “convinced her that they did not have to live this way…they could have a happy and healthy life and get an education.” Was that true? Should I give her a chance? Could I get them all out of there? Even their mother [who had often been complicit in their abuse] wanted to flee! My thoughts swirled from hope to despair and back to hope again like a hurricane—all within seconds.
The next afternoon the mother called me back and I spoke with Marie. I could not believe it! I promised to send the bus fare. (Everything had to be done in secret behind the backs of the pimps. It was all so insane. The girls were being raped all day every day.)
When I called my attorney he was skeptical. He reacted, “Nicole, how many times have we done this? She is probably playing you just to get drug money.” He was right. It is a sad fact that most abused women return to their abusers. But I heard the voices of Marie and Elena—my heart raced at the thought that THIS COULD BE IT! I told him, “The tickets are $60 each. What would you rather risk losing—$200 or the lives of two girls?” He was silent a moment, and then responded, “I will send the money.”
It took all day for her to find the opportune moment to secretly pick up the $200 we wired. Then it took another whole day to escape. When their chance came, while the pimp left their presence for a few minutes, they ran as fast as they could to the nearest bus station. The three barely made it. Eight hours later, Jason was waiting at the bus station. It was 2:30 in the morning on Oct 11th. Marie, with our heavenly Father’s protection, pulled off a miracle we never dreamed of!
“Marie” with Nicole in 2010
This amazing rescue was made possible, in part, by $2,000 in gifts made to the Human Trafficking & Slavery Ministry. But as much as we appreciate financial partnership to accomplish such blessings, we believe it’s your prayers that really move mountains to free those enslaved. Please continue to pray for Marie and Elena as their minds, bodies and spirits heal, and that their pimp is successfully prosecuted so that he cannot commit such acts again… Pray for Nicole and the others who risk their lives in this epic fight against evil… And finally, pray too for those still trapped, that the “captives would go free”!
Together with Him,
Jeff and Karin Trotter
Directors, Human Trafficking & Slavery Ministry
Amazing true story showing the goodness of God, the sacrificial love of Christ in His servants, and the cruelty of the ungodly. God bless you servants of Christ and the precious lives you bless every day.