To the Ends of the Earth
How you’re sending a discipleship team where none have gone before
Dear Family,
I am not sure where the “ends of the earth” are located (or how many “ends” there are), but I’m guessing they include the far reaches of Northeastern Siberia. In this frozen tundra, some of the most unreached people on earth reside. Few have even heard of the tribal groups that live in the region. Even fewer have taken seriously Jesus’ command to share the life of God with them by going to these particular “ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
But that is changing.
First, let me give you some of my testimony. As a young man, I had a special call on my life to reach the far-east of Russia, which in the early 1990s was still under heavy communist oppression. Despite restrictions, I was blessed to be able to preach, show the Jesus film, visit those of faith in prisons, and distribute Bibles. The response was phenomenal. Since those early outreaches, restrictions and persecution inside Russia have again risen. A thousand times I have wondered, What did God accomplish for eternity in those days of relative openness?
This last year I received a big answer to that question when I traveled back to a Russian region not far from where I first shared Jesus in those early days. My assignment was to coordinate with a small, but very much alive, New Testament church that had become a partner with our ministry. Open evangelism inside Russia is currently forbidden, but during my time with the leaders of that church, I discovered missionaries from the congregation were defying the restrictions and risking persecution to evangelize untouched people groups in harsh regions of Siberia.
It’s an absolute delight to report that this first generation body of Christ is radically living out the great commission and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The area where the Russia discipleship team is currently focused requires a helicopter ride to reach! As a result, three small tribes, which were previously listed as having no known believers, have received their first Bibles and have heard the clear message of salvation. Many are becoming believers and indigenous tribes now worship regularly!
Worship among the new believers includes unique dress and instrumentation
Through your investment in the Discipleship Multiplication Ministry, you have made this frontier mission possible. Many at the “ends of the earth” are now proclaiming Christ as Lord. Be amazed at what God has allowed you to be a part of and how big an impact you have made in this partnership for eternity.
To the ends of the earth together,
David Promise
Director of Ministry Partnerships, Disciple Multiplication Ministry