True Heroes
Reports of your heroic role in this pandemic
Dear Family,
We’ve heard a lot lately about heroes who wear scrubs and battle on the frontlines of this pandemic.
I also want to remind you about 57 national missionary heroes, which you help support through Heaven’s Family. Their disciple-making stories stir our hearts in every report of a miraculous deliverance of someone from the power of darkness, and every report of a heart transformed by Jesus Christ. During this “battle” I have shed more tears than ever before in my life as I read their heroic efforts to not only share the Good News but also now to feed the hungry, some of whom are on the brink of starvation.
You have been one of my heroes as well. Your generosity, at this time especially, has moved me greatly. Let me tell you some examples of how you helped hundreds of families through our national missionaries…
In Pakistan you helped feed Christians denied assistance from the Islamic government unless they converted.
In Russia you helped feed North Korean slave laborers working in the timber industry.
In Nepal, Myanmar, India, Turkey and Syria you helped feed families with enough rice for a month.
Yet despite these overwhelming hardships the missionary reports continue to pour in as the light and hope of Jesus is breaking forth in this darkest hour. Thank you for being a hero to the “least of these” around the world!
David Promise
Director, National Missionary Ministry