“Your baby girl’s skull is fractured, blood is seeping into her brain, and she is in a coma. Her chances for survival are slim.” The doctor’s words drained what little hope remained in the hearts of Daniel and Sung, parents of ten-month-old Sarah, who had fallen one story and landed on a concrete floor.
Sarah was their first-born child, but before her arrival, Daniel and Sung were already “parents” to six boys and eight girls at Shalom Orphanage Home, a Heaven’s Family-sponsored orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar. The news of Sung’s pregnancy filled the family of sixteen with joy as they anticipated a new baby in their midst. Sarah, however, was born two months prematurely. Gifts to the Critical Medical Needs Fund paid for her long hospital stay in an incubator—and saved her life.
Sarah grew into a healthy and happy toddler. Last October, however, we received the following terrible news from Daniel:
“Our daughter Sarah fell from the upstair through the stair ladder ten feet onto concrete. She was bleeding from her teeth and ear. The doctor said that there was some blood entering her brain…. They have our child take X ray three times. We could not sleep day and night. Our daughter is only ten months old…. We are so badly in need of your prayer. Our child’s living or death is in God hands, her Creator. There is nothing as parents we can do for her but ask God for His mercy and wholesome healing. Please stay with us in supplicating God for His mercy.”
We felt their agony across the miles as Heaven’s Family staff members joined in prayer for little Sarah. We also sent help from the Critical Medical Needs Fund to help pay Sarah’s hospital bills. Although her doctors gave her little hope for recovery, five days later, Sarah awoke from her coma. Soon she was sent home to be with her thankful mother and father and her fourteen adoring brothers and sisters. Sarah is walking and talking now, and she shows no signs of permanent injury from her accident.
When I asked Daniel how God ministered to him during this trial, he replied:
“I and my wife are totally convinced that we do not possess our daughter. She belongs to God. Doctors gave us no hope for her future, even if she would live, but the Lord was our hope. The Lord has been teaching us many lessons through this turbulent journey, but one of the greatest things is caring and loving the ones who really need it. You at Heaven’s Family have done this for us. It has been teaching us how to trust God more amidst trial like this.”
Because of gifts to the Critical Medical Needs Fund, Sarah’s life has been saved twice—when she was born prematurely and again after her unfortunate accident. In her father Daniel’s words, thank you for “caring and loving the ones who really need it.”