Unlikely Wedding Guests

03 Mar

Unlikely Wedding Guests

Would you invite this man to your wedding? Jesus has invited him to His wedding.

Dear Friends,

Yu Xue Wen contracted leprosy when he was just ten years old. His disease progressed slowly, however, and he ultimately married and fathered a daughter. After her birth, Yu began to deteriorate more rapidly, and the Chinese government relocated him to a remote leper colony in Yunnan Province. Yu is now 70 years old. His daughter has never visited him.

Although his natural family has disowned him, Yu has a spiritual family that loves and cares for him. Our partners regularly visit the leper colony where he lives, and, using funds from Heaven’s Family, help meet their basic needs and share the gospel. Recently, that visiting team did something for the lepers that astonished them: They included the lepers in the wedding festivities of a newly-married couple from their team. It was a rare occasion that deeply touched the hearts of some forsaken people.

In nations like China where leprosy still exists, lepers are never invited to weddings. Jesus, however, has invited lepers to His wedding feast—just as He has invited the rest of us.

I’m happy to report that your gifts to the Lepers Fund are being used to show Jesus’ love to those who receive so little love from others—and to ensure that they are “dressed” properly for His wedding feast, clothed in His righteousness. You’ll one day meet them at that great banquet!

Chinese ministry partners from the bridal party lead a leper to the wedding celebration

Together in His service,

Carole J. Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry Fund

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