Unmasked Love

Picture of a few of the many you touched with the heart of Jesus
Just a few of the many you touched with the heart of Jesus

Unmasked Love

How you protected many lives, and spread Jesus’ love

Dear Family,

“Is this the end of the world?” a frantic young Maddie texted my wife Michelle. “Will you please pray for me?”

Maddie’s feelings resemble many of our own emotions as of late. For the first time we all are living through the same trial that our brothers and sisters in the poorest parts of the world are. But this crisis only compounds the burden they have endured for their entire lives. Now they have nothing.

But you have responded through Heaven’s Family’s Unreached People Groups Ministry by supplying masks and other protective items to 10 provinces in China.

Picture of beneficiaries of your gifts to the unreached people groups ministry

You also helped provide hundreds of facemasks to partners in Thailand, opening doors to minister
in schools! As a result a staunch Buddhist principal asked our team to pray for the teachers and students of his school! Our outreach also included Shan, Lahu and Burmese refugees from Myanmar.

Thousands of masks were distributed in total, touching many countries—even the US—with virus protection AND the gospel.

Your generosity in times like these is an incredible testimony to the love God has placed in your heart for the lost and the “least of these”. Thank you!

Todd Matthews
Director, Unreached People Groups Ministry

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