Unstoppable Entrepreneur
A microloan helps a Christian farmer beat a drought
Dear Family,
Soth is a man of God and a fine Christian leader, committed to discipling the brothers and sisters in his house church. He lives in a rural village in the jungle of a communist country. Like most of his fellow villagers, he relies on farming and raising animals to support his family.
The region where Soth lives is facing a severe drought that has threatened food production. As fears and tensions have risen, Soth has remained steadfast in his faith and has trusted God to meet his needs. He can often be found encouraging others in his community with the hope that can only be found in Jesus.
Despite the drought, Soth just brought in his biggest rice crop ever—188 bags! This could not have happened without the Heaven’s Family microloan he received two years ago to clear and prepare his land. Forward-thinking and generous, Soth sold some of the excess rice and used the money to purchase a rice hulling machine. He has also provided food for three widows in his church fellowship.
What’s next for Soth? He is currently using another microloan to begin raising fish. He has already dug out the pond that he plans to stock with 500 fish. His goal is not just to continue providing for his own family and the widows in his church, but to provide a meal to everyone who attends their Sunday church fellowship.
As Soth says, “God has blessed me greatly and I want to be a blessing to others!”
Steve Sifa
Director, Microloan Ministry