Some of the happy users of the new well you helped build in the village of Jalasoni
“Water! Woop, Woop!”
Another deep well, another healthy and grateful village
Dear Family,
Jalasoni, Malawi is a rural, impoverished village that has long suffered due to the lack of clean water to drink. Now, the deep well that you have made possible is providing safe water to the community. The people are rejoicing because they are now enjoying clean drinking water and better health!
Previously, life was a struggle for water and there was much suffering and dying due to water-related illness. The people spent long, laborious hours collecting their drinking water from polluted, hand-dug wells dug beside seasonal streams and rivers—literally holes dug in the ground.
Your gifts have changed their lives and saved lives! Now, they have water for drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry and all household uses. They do not have to go long distances to find dirty water. Kids can go to school regularly instead of spending long hours fetching water.
The Heaven’s Family Safe Water Ministry is working in impoverished villages in Malawi and several other poor countries to bring clean water and to help our partners bring Jesus, who is living water, to all who come to drink from the deep wells you are helping to provide.
Thank you!
Diane Scott
Director, Safe Water Ministry