At left, Esbeydi Vazquez Ruiz gratefully displaying her copy of The Disciple-Making Minister; at right, another disciple named Rocio Cruz Alvarado said she benefitted most from the teachings on spiritual warfare.
“We were at the point of divorce”
A book that’s changing marriages as well as ministers
Dear Friends,
What a wonderful feeling it is to know you’ve helped a fellow Christian grow spiritually. Esbeydi (above at left), a believer in Mexico, received a Spanish copy of David Servant’s popular book, The Disciple-Making Minister (Spanish is just one of 32 translations of this popular book), and it helped save her marriage! Here is Esbeydi’s testimony…
A sister from church passed on to me The Disciple Making Minister. We all call it “The Blue Book.” I usually do not read much and because of the size I was tempted not to start. I thought I would read just one chapter, then I read another and another until I finished it. Chapter 13 in particular spoke about the responsibilities of marriage in the Christian family. During that time we were not acting like a Christian family. My husband and I were fighting constantly, we were at the point of divorce. I was not accepting any responsibility nor was I teachable in the least. We must not allow abuse but we must not fight against the head of our homes, causing strife. The book confronted me on different points and it changed my perspective. It caused a turning point in my life. After reading the Blue Book I am now a minister who makes disciples helping other women overcome negative thought patterns. I am grateful to the author, David Servant, and to God for illuminating him, giving him the ability to write that which helps many. I am not sure how the books got to us but we are grateful for them. To be given a book of this volume and value is a great blessing.
Although the “Blue Book” was initially written to help pastors serving in developing countries who have little or no training, the topics it contains are valuable for any believer. And because the majority of those who read it access one of the online translations from our website, we’ll never know this side of heaven just who it has influenced around the world…and what’s even more exciting is that one day you’ll meet some of those folks in heaven! They’ll be thanking those who made these translations and distributions possible.
Remember, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” II Tim 3:16.
Muchas gracias to those who’ve helped provide The Disciple-Making Minister to many needy fellowships around the world through their generosity to the Books for Discipleship Ministry!
Peter Wray
Director, Books for Discipleship Ministry