Sarah was widowed in the Syrian war but now leads an underground missionary movement to reach her fellow refugees
The Widow Conspiracy
The Lord is empowering the least expected people to do an unexpected job
Dear Friends,
In northern Jordan, near the Syrian border, an underground conspiracy is underway. But this is not an evil scheme, designed to bring terror upon the world. It is quite the opposite.
The border of Jordan is home to hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees who have fled civil war and terrorism in their homeland. Jordanian church leaders have recognized that leading these refugees to Christ is the first step on the road to creating a more peaceful, self-sustaining future for these displaced people whose lives have been so violently uprooted. These leaders then identified strategic areas to start house churches capable of reaching the rapidly growing refugee population. But as they searched for volunteers to lead these new house churches, many declined due to the significant sacrifice required. The church leaders began to wonder if anyone would answer the call.
But little did they know that God was already at work in the heart of a young widow, named Sarah. After her husband had been killed and her home destroyed during the fighting in Syria, Sarah had fled to Jordan where she came into contact with some of these Jordanian church leaders. Sarah and her children heard the good news of Jesus on an audio-Bible provided for them, and received food and blankets. The other Christian refugees warmly welcomed Sarah into their community, and she began to feel like this could be her new home.
But something began stirring in Sarah’s soul when she heard of the need for volunteers to go and minister to the unsaved refugees. Who better to go than us? she thought; Christ is all I have left, and all I have to give is His truth. With trepidation, Sarah stepped forward, her children clinging to her skirts. “We will go,” she said with as much courage as she could manage.
This seemingly small act of bravery unwittingly ignited a missionary movement among other widowed women in Sarah’s community. Five families have now responded to the call; four of whom are widowed, single mothers. Building on the successes of these pioneers, the Jordanian leaders have plans to send up to ten more families out to other unreached villages along the Syrian border before the end of this year. The church planters face great risk and persecution in publicly sharing their faith, but all are willing to follow the example of their Savior.
This underground movement, and many others like it, have been made possible through the generosity of you who support the Persecuted Christians Ministry. Our donors empower broken spirits to be used by the Lord as bold disciples of the Great Commission, to minister to the much-impoverished and frightened Syrian refugees. Their gifts offer support to refugee missionaries, like Sarah, who are taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in desperate need of hope.
With a grateful heart,
Director, Persecuted Christians Ministry
In case you missed it…
The director of the Persecuted Christians Ministry had the opportunity to give a short presentation at Heaven’s Family’s 2017 Annual Staff Conference in February, in which he explained some of the exciting ways we’re advancing Jesus’ kingdom around the globe in 2017. Please watch!