A tired, worn-out worker posing with the some of the ladies and children helped at the Women’s Wellness Center
Dear Friends,
She’s been a workhorse, selflessly serving victims of sexual violence at the Women’s Wellness Center (WWC) in Goma, DR Congo.
During her years of faithful service, she has,
…protected vulnerable women and children from further rape and sexual abuse as they traveled to and from their homes to the WWC where they received biblical trauma counseling, vocational training, food and safe water, and medical care,
…carried the injured and sick in their times of distress,
…carried tons of food and supplies paid for with funds sent by Heaven’s Family to the WWC,
…carried food and supplies to prisons on behalf of chaplains who visit incarcerated men, women and children to restore hope for those who sleep on rock or concrete floors and try to survive on thin soup, and
…carried letters of repentance from prisoners to their victims, begging for forgiveness of their crimes.
She’s old now. Her body is showing her age and her internal parts are beginning to fail. Her rubber souls are shredded from traversing Goma’s lava-covered streets.
Although her work has been priceless, the good news is that she’s replaceable. In fact, for about $15,000, another servant can be found to take her place.
By now you may have guessed that “she” is a vehicle, not a woman. Thankfully, priceless workhorses like this one can be replaced, but the Women’s Wellness Center cannot do it alone. They need the help of brothers and sisters in Christ like you and me. If you’d like to help continue the life-changing, life-saving service that “she” has provided, please give below.
More women and children of the WWC who have been helped by the Lord…and His provision of a vehicle
Thank you for your compassion for these who are truly the “least of these.”
Together with Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Victims of Sexual Violence Fund