Cindi’s Hope students using supplies provided by Heaven’s Family
You Did It
A year-end thanks for helping change lives
Dear Friends,
This past fall, thanks to contributors with giving hearts, the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry raised $1,500 for school supplies for 155 students attending Cindi’s Hope Academy campuses in Nairobi and Naivasha, Kenya. Some of these students are orphaned or abandoned, but many of them have also been rescued from abusive situations that no child should ever have to suffer. One of their social workers once told me that the pages of their files are spotted with the tears she shed while reading their sad histories…
Above all, however, our God is a mighty Restorer: In our visits to Cindi’s Hope—each one, simultaneously, a place of refuge, a home for needy children, and an excellent school—we have witnessed this redemptive work of healing young lives. As perhaps the spiritual “icing on the cake,” we are also so pleased to report about the exuberant joy that has risen from the ashes of the lives of these children—ashes that the enemy of their souls had sought for their destruction. During the first few months at Cindi’s Hope many individuals shrink from even the kindest of touches, but then, gloriously, by the next visit they are full of shy smiles or giggles, wanting hugs, or asking you to join a vigorous rope jumping game (this septuagenarian had to pass on the latter!). I attribute this “rebirth” process to persistent prayer, biblical teaching and trauma counseling, and the tender, steadfast ministrations of their amazingly devoted staff.
In October we were privileged to visit the Eastleigh campus in Nairobi, and actually got to see students using some of the supplies we had helped to buy. The children also presented a wonderful program for us that included singing lovely songs, reciting Scriptures (the Awana program has recently started there) and dancing in Swahili cadences. Lastly, we blessed them with a pizza party that included milk and sweets for desserts—a rare treat, we were told.
You, our dear donors, are the ones who enable us to make these things possible. I thank you from deep in my heart for your gifts, and also want to express profound gratitude to Cindi Murphy Mendoza and her dedicated, sacrificial staff who work day in and day out to see these young people blossom into what the Lord intended them to be.
Together with Christ,
Carole Collins
Director, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry