Your compassion on wheels!
A pastor finds a creative way to deliver Jesus’ love “under the radar”
Dear Family,
Imagine with me…
You’re a poor Christian living in Pakistan. You are in a terrible accident and desperately need medical attention. The ambulance, however, refuses to help you. Why? They say something like, You’re a Christian—and poor—you’re not worth our time or effort. Sadly enough, your next stop might just be the morgue.
OK, you can switch your imagination off now. This is real life for many Christians (and poor non-Christians) throughout Pakistan. Discriminatory practices are commonplace. People die daily because the ambulance refuses to help them.
But, because you’re a Compassion Club member, you are changing that!
Gawahi Ambulance Services was born out of a vision to see many lives rescued and healed both medically and spiritually. Our dedicated ministry partner in Pakistan—a local pastor—felt burdened by the Lord to change the culture and bring emergency services to everyone, regardless of their religion or economic status. So he sold his own car to buy 2 vans as ambulance vehicles, recruited emergency medical staff, and set up a dispatch call center.
Although they are not operating full-time yet because of budget restrictions, they do serve the “least of these” 12 hours a day right now, bringing hope and light into desperate and dark situations. The EMT staff are all Christians. They share the gospel with the approximately 4,000-5,000 people they currently serve each month, and rescue many Christians in urgent medical need.
Your Compassion Club investment from the month of November is helping Gawahi Ambulance Services rescue thousands of lives by providing them with 6 months of expenses. Your impact is being felt throughout Pakistan.
As a Compassion Club member, you are changing lives for eternity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks for caring,
Jody Walker
Compassion Club Coordinator