Including Heaven’s Family in Your Will



Have you included Heaven’s Family in your will yet?

Moses wrote in Psalm 90: “Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:1). As has been humorously said, “Studies show that ten out of ten people eventually die.” Since none of us know the day that the Lord will call us home, it is always wise to prepare for the inevitable. Preparing a will or living trust can assure that your estate will be distributed according to your desires, so that you can leave a lasting testimony of your love for Jesus.

To that end, Heaven’s Family’s Strategic Stewardship Team works with the National Christian Foundation, which provides expert guidance in all the legal aspects of estate planning. Call us toll free at 1-855-333-2211 to request information on planning your estate. Ask for David Warnock or Peter Wray. You can also email us at [email protected]. Or visit to learn about different types of bequests, amending your will or trust, charitable gift annuities, as well as many other important topics related to estate-planning.

Don’t delay! Start planning today!

Please email us at [email protected] for more information or to ask any questions.

Strategic Stewardship

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