What is World Water Day?


“Old Unfaithful”

For the past 26 years, the children of Mt. Carmel Orphanage, in northern Haiti, have depended on a single well on their property to meet all their water needs. Daily pumping by little hands produced enough clean, fresh spring water to provide for all of the drinking, cooking and bathing needs of the children, as well as some very poor neighbors. Even after Mt. Carmel was infused with a new surge of orphans after Haiti's 2010 earthquake, the faithful well handled the increased water demand.

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Hu Holds Fast

American missionary Todd Matthews has certainly obeyed Jesus' command to take the gospel to the world's "uttermost parts." He has been trekking into the mountains and gorges of China's Yunnan Province for 16 years, bringing the good news to the remote villages of China's ethnic minorities like the Lisu, Naxi, Bi, and Yi. He has also been arrested numerous times by Chinese police. His efforts have paid off with fruit, however. Churches have been planted and disciples are making disciples.

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Ruliba Cleanwater Revival

Today was a long one, as we worked to make the most of our only full day in Kigali, Rwanda's capital. In the morning, Chuck, Teryl and I ministered at a conference for 200 Rwandan pastors who were interested in learning about house churches. In the afternoon, we distributed $1,000 worth of corn flour, potatoes and beans, courtesy of our Food Fund, to 53 very needy Christian families who had been selected by their pastors. By late afternoon, everyone on our team was tired, but we had one more stop, a very poor village on the outskirts of Kigali named Ruliba. It would prove to be worth our drive.

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