Getting to know Luis Angel in Mexico

A Word from David

I have a friend in Toronto, Ontario, who told me that he can’t read through our monthly magazine without shedding some tears. I have another friend in Ft. Myers, Florida, who told me the same thing.

Although we’re not trying to make anyone cry, we can understand why our readers sometimes do. We cry too—as we’re reminded of how blessed we are in comparison to so many others around the world. We’re also thankful that we can sacrifice on their behalf—with the hope of wiping the tears of our suffering brothers and sisters.

Our planet is full of injustice that robs the poor, but we have a hope that the world will one day be a different place. Scripture not only tells us that Jesus will return to rule with justice, but that “He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain” (Rev. 21:4).

That is the day we will close the doors on the ministry of Heaven’s Family. Until then, we are determined not to “grow weary of doing good” (2 Thes. 3:13). Thanks for persevering with us. — David

This Month's Articles

Strategic Stewardship

Parting Shot: A Mere Mare

This very congenial Mexican mare triggered my mild equinophobia (fear of horses). As I shot photos of her, she kept coming closer. This was my “parting shot”! I didn’t notice she was held by a rope until I looked at this photo! — David

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